
9th Jul, 2024

Meet the technician: Dr Chloe Ormonde

Dr Chloe Ormonde is a lab technician at the BRAIN Unit. In this piece, Chloe shares her career journey so far and why sh...

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9th Jul, 2024

Dyma gwrdd â’r technegydd: Dr Chloe Ormonde

Technegydd y labordy yn yr Uned BRAIN yw Dr Chloe Ormonde. Yn y darn hwn, mae Chloe yn rhannu taith ei gyrfa hyd yn hyn,...

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20th May, 2024

Lansio Canolfan Clefyd Huntington yng Nghymru yn hebrwng cyfnod newydd o gydweithio i mewn

Bu’r Uned BRAIN yn falch iawn o allu cefnogi lansiad Canolfan Clefyd Huntington newydd yng Nghymru. Cafodd y Ganolfan ei...

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20th May, 2024

Launch of the new Huntington’s Disease Centre in Wales marks a new era of collaboration

The BRAIN Unit were delighted to support the launch of the new Huntington’s Disease Centre in Wales which took place in...

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28th Apr, 2024

BRAIN hosts PPI celebration event with the National Centre for Mental Health

On Saturday 20 April, BRAIN co-hosted an event with the National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) to celebrate the import...

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28th Apr, 2024

Uned BRAIN yn cynnal digwyddiad ar y cyd â’r Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Iechyd Meddwl i ddathlu Cynnwys y Cleifion a’r Cyhoedd (PPI)

Ddydd Sadwrn 20 Ebrill, bu i’r Uned BRAIN a’r Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Iechyd Meddwl (NCMH) gynnal digwyddiad i dd...

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14th Feb, 2024

Ymunwch â ni i ddathlu’r cleifion ac aelodau’r cyhoedd sydd wedi cymryd rhan mewn ymchwil

Bydd Uned BRAIN a'r Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Iechyd Meddwl (NCMH) yn cynnal digwyddiad Dydd Sadwrn 20 Ebrill i dda...

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14th Feb, 2024

Join us to celebrate patient and public involvement in research

The BRAIN Unit and National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) will co-host an event on Saturday 20 April to celebrate the...

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10th Jan, 2024

BRAIN Involve lead delivers public lecture on advanced therapies to treat neurodegenerative disease

On Thursday 7 December, our BRAIN Involve lead Dr Cheney Drew delivered a public lecture on the use of advanced therapie...

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10th Jan, 2024

Arweinydd BRAIN Involve yn traddodi darlith gyhoeddus ar therapïau uwch i drin clefyd niwroddirywiol

Ddydd Iau 7 Rhagfyr,  traddododd Dr Cheney Drew, arweinydd BRAIN Involve ddarlith gyhoeddus ar y defnydd o therapïau uwc...

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20th Nov, 2023

Cwrdd â’r ymchwilydd: Dr Cheney Drew

Amdanaf i Fy enw i yw Dr Cheney Drew, ac rwy’n Gymrawd Ymchwil ac yn Uwch Reolwr Treialon Clinigol wedi’i leoli yn y Gan...

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20th Nov, 2023

Meet the researcher: Dr Cheney Drew

My name is Dr Cheney Drew, and I am a Research Fellow and Senior Clinical Trials Manager based in Centre for Trials Rese...

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7th Oct, 2023

Taflu goleuni ar Gynnwys ac Ymgysylltu â Chleifion a’r Cyhoedd (PPI)

Wrth i ni symud i ffwrdd oddi wrth heriau COVID, rydym wedi gallu manteisio ar offer ar-lein ac ailddychmygu sut rydym y...

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7th Oct, 2023

Shining a light on Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPI)

As we move away from the challenges of COVID we have been able to harness the benefits of online tools and reimagine our...

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12th Aug, 2023

Mae BRAIN yn llwyddo i gyflwyno’r treial therapi genynnau Cam I / II UniQure yn Clefyd Huntington

Rydym yn falch iawn o fod wedi llwyddo i gyflwyno treial therapi genynnol Cam I/II UniQure sy’n canolbwyntio ar leihau c...

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12th Aug, 2023

BRAIN successfully delivers the UniQure Phase I/II gene therapy trial in Huntington’s Disease

We are delighted to have successfully delivered the UniQure Phase I/II gene therapy trial focussing on knocking down Hun...

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28th Jul, 2023

Cwrdd â’r ymchwilydd: Susruta Manivanan

Yn Gymrawd Ymchwil Clinigol mewn Niwrolawdriniaeth, mae Susruta am ddod o hyd i strategaethau ar gyfer optimeiddio darpa...

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28th Jul, 2023

Meet the researcher: Susruta Manivanan

As a Clinical Research Fellow in Neurosurgery, Susruta is working on identifying strategies for optimising the effective...

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15th Jun, 2023

Gweminar astudio LEARN yn datgelu profiadau cyfranogwyr ar dreialon niwrolawfeddygol

Daeth cyfranogwyr, cyllidwyr a phrif ymchwilwyr at ei gilydd i drafod prif ganfyddiadau astudiaeth ddiweddar gan Brifysg...

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15th Jun, 2023

LEARN study webinar reveals experiences of participants on neurosurgical trials

Participants, funders and principal investigators came together to discuss the key findings of a recent Cardiff Universi...

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30th May, 2023

Hwyl a sbri a Gemau BRAIN: Edrych yn ôl ar fis Mai

Roedd mis Mai 2023 yn fis prysur i Uned BRAIN, o sgyrsiau am wyddoniaeth i gynnal Gemau BRAIN, gydag ysgolion cynradd o...

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30th May, 2023

All fun and BRAIN games: Looking back on May

May 2023 was a busy month for the BRAIN Unit, from science talks science to hosting the highly anticipated BRAIN games,...

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22nd Feb, 2023

Technoleg sy’n newid gêm: Bydd grant o £1m yn galluogi ymchwilwyr Uned BRAIN i ddarganfod annormaleddau yn yr ymennydd sy’n achosi afiechyd

Mae ymchwilwyr ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd wedi cael cyllid a fydd yn eu galluogi i fapio’r ymennydd i drin clefydau fel epil...

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21st Feb, 2023

Game-changing technology: £1m grant will enable BRAIN Unit researchers discover brain abnormalities that cause disease

Researchers at Cardiff University have been awarded funding that will enable them to better map the brain to treat disea...

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31st Jan, 2023

Cwrdd â’r Ymchwilydd: Dr Benjamin Dummer

Mae Dr Benjamin Dummer yn Gynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil sy’n gweithio mewn labordy yn Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru (UHW), dan oruchwyl...

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31st Jan, 2023

Meet the researcher: Dr Benjamin Dummer

Dr Benjamin Dummer is a Research Assistant based in a lab at the University Hospital of Wales (UHW), under the supervisi...

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7th Dec, 2022

How far have we come with cell and gene therapies?

BRAIN researchers have co-edited a book which examines the progress of cell therapies in the treatment of neurodegenerat...

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7th Dec, 2022

Cwrdd â’r Ymchwilydd: Lauren Griffiths

Mae Lauren Griffiths yn Dechnegydd Ymchwil ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe. Mae ei hymchwil ddiweddar wedi canolbwyntio ar golest...

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5th Dec, 2022

Myfyriwr meddygol yn yr uned BRAIN yn ennill y wobr gyntaf am y cyflwyniad llafar gorau yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol

Enillodd Jack Fisher, Myfyriwr Meddygol o Brifysgol Caerdydd sy'n gweithio ar hyn o bryd gyda Dr Malik Zaben, ymchwilydd...

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23rd Jun, 2022

Meet the Researcher: Lauren Griffiths

Lauren Griffiths is a Research Technician at Swansea University. Her recent research has centred around cholesterol, its...

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11th Apr, 2022

Yr hyn na wyddoch efallai am glefyd Parkinson

Mae tua 145,000 o bobl yn byw gyda Parkinson's yn y DU, a dyma'r cyflwr niwrolegol sy'n tyfu gyflymaf yn y byd. Ar gyfer...

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11th Apr, 2022

What you may not know about Parkinson’s disease

Around 145,000 people live with Parkinson’s in the UK, and it's the fastest-growing neurological condition in the world....

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26th Mar, 2022

Diwrnod Porffor ar gyfer Epilepsi: Stori Peter

Cynhelir Diwrnod Porffor ar gyfer Epilepsi bob blwyddyn ar 26 Mawrth. I nodi'r diwrnod ymwybyddiaeth fyd-eang eleni, mae...

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26th Mar, 2022

Purple Day for Epilepsy: Peter’s story

Purple Day for Epilepsy takes place every year on March 26. To mark the global awareness day this year, Peter Roberts fr...

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25th Mar, 2022

Epilepsi: datblygu carfannau sy’n barod am ymchwil

Yn nyfarniad 2018-20, derbyniodd Uned BRAIN gyllid i ddatblygu system cofnodion cleifion electronig i gefnogi gofal clin...

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25th Mar, 2022

Epilepsy: developing research-ready cohorts

In the 2018-20 award, the BRAIN Unit received funding to develop an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system supporting cl...

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28th Sep, 2021

New survey: involving the public in your research

BRAIN Involve would like to help researchers consider the benefits of involving the public in forming their research int...

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24th Sep, 2021

Arolwg newydd: cynnwys y cyhoedd yn eich ymchwil

Hoffai BRAIN Involve helpu ymchwilwyr i ystyried manteision cynnwys y cyhoedd wrth ffurfio eu hymchwil i gyflyrau niwrol...

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22nd Sep, 2021

A ydych chi’n ymchwilydd sy’n awyddus i gynnwys y cyhoedd yn eich gwaith?

Mae ein harweinydd Cynnwys y Cyhoedd, Dr Emma Lane, yn gwahodd ymchwilwyr i gwrdd â'n grŵp cynnwys y cyhoedd, BRAIN Invo...

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22nd Sep, 2021

Cwrdd â’r ymchwilydd: Dr Malik Zaben

Mae Dr Zaben yn ddarlithydd mewn niwrolawdriniaeth sydd â diddordeb arbennig mewn deall niwrogenesis a niwroblastigedd a...

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22nd Sep, 2021

Ymchwilydd Prifysgol Caerdydd yn derbyn Cymrodoriaeth Guarantors of Brain

Mae ymchwilydd o Uned yr Ymennydd (BRAIN) a Sefydliad Ymchwil y Niwrowyddorau ac Iechyd Meddwl (NMHRI) ym Mhrifysgol Cae...

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22nd Sep, 2021

Gweithio gyda ni: Cynorthwyydd Ymchwil mewn Niwro-oncoleg

Rydym yn chwilio am Gynorthwyydd Ymchwil i weithio mewn cydweithrediad cyffrous rhwng dwy ganolfan seilwaith a ariennir...

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16th Sep, 2021

BRAIN unit student doctor awarded first place for best oral presentation second year running

Jack Fisher a Cardiff University Student Doctor currently working with BRAIN researcher Dr Malik Zaben won the award for...

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18th Aug, 2021

Ymchwilydd Uned BRAIN yn ennill Cymrodoriaeth o fri ym maes anafiadau trawmatig i’r ymennydd

Dyfarnwyd Cymrodoriaeth Hyfforddiant Ymchwil Glinigol y Cyngor Ymchwil Feddygol (MRC) i Dr Ronak Ved ym maes anaf trawma...

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11th Aug, 2021

BRAIN Unit researcher awarded prestigious fellowship in the field of traumatic brain injury

Dr Ronak Ved has been awarded a Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Research Training Fellowship in the field of tra...

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8th Jul, 2021

Cardiff University researcher awarded the Guarantors of the Brain Fellowship

A researcher from the BRAIN Unit and Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute (NMHRI) at Cardiff University has...

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7th Jun, 2021

Work with us: Research Assistant in Neuro-oncology

We're looking for a Research Assistant to work in an exciting collaboration between two Health and Care Research Wales f...

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1st Jun, 2021

Meet the researcher: Dr Malik Zaben

Dr Zaben is a lecturer in neurosurgery with a special interest in understanding neurogenesis and neuroplasticity after t...

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19th May, 2021

Are you a researcher looking to include the public in your work?

Our Public Involvement lead Dr Emma Lane, is inviting researchers to meet our public involvement group, BRAIN Involve. A...

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26th Mar, 2021

In the spotlight: Epilepsy research update

As people around the world mark Purple Day to raise awareness of epilepsy, we took a moment to catch up with our experts...

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5th Jan, 2021

Stratifying deeply phenotyped Parkinson’s patients with blood-based immune signatures

Drs Cynthia Sandor, who is supported by the Ser Cymru II programme which is part-funded by Cardiff University and the Eu...

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5th Jan, 2021

Senior Clinical Research Fellow in Neurosurgery job vacancy

This is an exciting opportunity for an enthusiastic Clinical Research Fellow to work on a Health and Care Research Wales...

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25th Nov, 2020

Research Assistant job vacancy

An exciting opportunity has arisen for a research assistant within the Neurology research group at Swansea University Me...

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25th Nov, 2020

BRAIN Unit update

Welcome to the new Brain Repair and Intracranial Neurotherapeutics (BRAIN) Unit website. The new site offers details abo...

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7th Oct, 2020

DOMINO-HD study receives highly commended Health and Care Research Wales PPI award

Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW) hosted their first ever digital conference on 7 October 2020, centred around the t...

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11th Jun, 2019

Royal Society Pairing Scheme MP visit

Kevin Brennan MP experienced a day in the life of a Cardiff University researcher, as part of the Royal Society’s pairin...

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9th Apr, 2019

Professor Anne Rosser, a new era of Huntington’s Disease research

Professor Anne Rosser, European Huntington's Disease Network (EHDN) Chair, gives a comprehensive interview on a new era...

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22nd Mar, 2019

Brain Games 2019

The annual Brain Games event this year took place on Sunday 10 March, marking the beginning of Brain Awareness and Briti...

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29th Nov, 2018

International Cardiff University scientist visits politicians in Westminster

Dr Emma Yhnell from the Cardiff University will be swapping a lab coat for legislation when she visits Kevin Brennan MP...

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19th Nov, 2018

New approaches for treating psychiatric disorders

Cardiff University has formed a drug discovery collaboration with Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (Takeda) to iden...

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2nd Nov, 2018

TRIDENT Cup wins BRAIN top prize at conference for third consecutive year

The TRIDENT Cup engagement activity was debuted at the Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW) Conference, at Cardiff’s SW...

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27th Sep, 2018

Coffee morning promotes role of public involvement in research

A team of Cardiff University neuroscientists united with members of a care home in Bridgend to celebrate the importance...

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3rd Dec, 2017

In the Spotlight: BRAIN Involve public involvement group

The Brain Repair and Intracranial Neurotherapeutics (BRAIN) Unit is a research group based at Cardiff University. Funded...

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19th Oct, 2017

BNA welcomes applications for neuroscience prizes

The British Neuroscience Association (BNA) is urging neuroscientists to apply for a range of prizes that recognise, prom...

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12th Oct, 2017

Operation Brain awarded top prize at Wales conference

A creative engagement activity developed by the Brain Repair and Intracranial Neurotherapeutics (BRAIN) Unit has won the...

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6th Oct, 2017

International BRAIN Unit neurosciences doctor wins national neuro-competition

A neurosciences doctor based at the Brain Repair and Intracranial Neurotherapeutics (BRAIN) Unit has won the National An...

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11th Jul, 2017

The most detailed scan of the wiring of the human brain

An incredible new film shows the human brain in unrivalled detail, thanks to a partnership between Cardiff University an...

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7th Jul, 2017

CUBRIC shortlisted for National Eisteddfod Gold Medal

Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC) is one of just four projects shortlisted for this year’s Natio...

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6th Jul, 2017

Participants needed for epilepsy trial

Cardiff University’s Fluoxetine, Learning and Memory in Epilepsy (FLAME) team invites people with mesial temporal lobe e...

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3rd Jul, 2017

Rising stars of microstructural MRI

Three talented rising stars of microstructural MRI have each secured highly prestigious fellowships to study at the Card...

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19th May, 2017

‘Hereditary HD gene cast a shadow over our lives’

Retired Civil Servant Pam Thomas, 74 and from Cardiff, was married with two children before she became aware that the he...

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17th May, 2017

Neuroimaging Huntington’s disease

Dr Hannah Furby's work focuses on Huntington's disease, a highly heritable neurodegenerative disease, for which there is...

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16th May, 2017

Neuroscientist breaks down Huntington’s disease stigma

A pioneering researcher at Cardiff University hopes to break down the stigma surrounding Huntington’s disease during thi...

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16th May, 2017

Cell transplantation in Huntington’s disease

Cardiff University is pleased to announce plans to conduct a stem cell transplantation procedure that could benefit peop...

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12th May, 2017

Huntington’s Disease Awareness Week 2017

Today marks the start of Huntington's Disease Awareness Week, a campaign to increase the profile of a much misunderstood...

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10th May, 2017

CUBRIC wins major award

Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC) has won a major science buildings award beating off competitio...

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7th Apr, 2017

First robotic ‘neuromate’ in Wales aids epilepsy surgery

The BRAIN Unit’s Professor of Functional Neurosurgery, Prof. William Gray, successfully performs the first robot-assiste...

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13th Feb, 2017

Huntington’s disease Research Fellow included in list of Welsh women at forefront of scientific innovation

Dr Emma Yhnell has been included in a list of Welsh women who are at the forefront of scientific innovation. [caption id...

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31st Aug, 2016

Dr Emma Yhnell to lead a study into computer-based cognitive training for people with Huntington’s disease

Dr Emma Yhnell has been awarded a three-year Health and Care Research Wales Fellowship to investigate a possible therape...

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