Author: psychmedcomms

Meet the researcher: Susruta Manivanan

As a Clinical Research Fellow in Neurosurgery, Susruta is working on identifying strategies for optimising the effective delivery of cell and gene-therapies to the brain, under the supervision of Professor Liam Gray.   About me I am a neurosurgical trainee currently taking time out of…


How far have we come with cell and gene therapies?

BRAIN researchers have co-edited a book which examines the progress of cell therapies in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, published last November. Cell therapies are a promising development for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) such as Huntington’s and Parkinson’s, which occur when nerve cells…


Meet the Researcher: Lauren Griffiths

Lauren Griffiths is a Research Technician at Swansea University. Her recent research has centred around cholesterol, its function in the brain, and understanding its role in neurodegenerative diseases. Cholesterol is an essential molecule in the body, and especially in the brain, where it is the…


What you may not know about Parkinson’s disease

Around 145,000 people live with Parkinson’s in the UK, and it's the fastest-growing neurological condition in the world. For World Parkinson's Day, Dr Emma Lane from the BRAIN Unit discusses the disease and some things you may not know. What is Parkinson's disease? Parkinson's disease…


Purple Day for Epilepsy: Peter’s story

Purple Day for Epilepsy takes place every year on March 26. To mark the global awareness day this year, Peter Roberts from BRAIN Involve has kindly shared his own story of being diagnosed with epilepsy and how he has supported neuroscience research at Cardiff University…


Epilepsy: developing research-ready cohorts

In the 2018-20 award, the BRAIN Unit received funding to develop an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system supporting clinical care and deep patient phenotyping in Multiple Sclerosis (Cardiff and Vale and Aneurin Bevan), Parkinson's Disease (Abertawe Bro-Morgannwg) and Epilepsy (Cardiff and Vale). The system is…


New survey: involving the public in your research

BRAIN Involve would like to help researchers consider the benefits of involving the public in forming their research into neurological and neurodegenerative conditions. BRAIN Involve is a public involvement group made up of people who are, or have been, directly affected by neurological diseases such…