Join us to celebrate patient and public involvement in research
The BRAIN Unit and National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) will co-host an event on Saturday 20 April to celebrate the role patient and public involvement groups play in research.
The event will bring together public and patient involvement groups, researchers and the general public who share one common cause: working together for better brain health.
Patient and public involvement (PPI) groups are a vital partnership between members of the public and researchers to make research more relevant, reliable and more likely to be implemented into our health and social care services.
This event will allow attendees to have their say on what public involvement means to them, hear personal stories from BRAIN and NCMH PPI group members, and take part in interactive brain-related activities and panel discussions. We are also offering research lab tours (booking essential),.
This is a free event and we welcome anyone with an interest in brain research and PPI to join us.
Find out more and register your place today.