Cais BRAIN Involve

Os hoffech gael rhagor o wybodaeth am BRAIN Involve a sut y gallech ymuno â’r grŵp cwblhewch ffurflen gais BRAIN Involve. Gallai cyfrannu at ddatblygu ymchwil ymddangos yn frawychus, ond rydym ni’n cynnig digon o gefnogaeth i’ch helpu i ddod mor weithredol yn y grŵp ag y dymunwch.

Rhagor o wybodaeth

Rhagor o wybodaeth am BRAIN Involve

Dod â chleifion, gofalwyr ac academyddion at ei gilydd i siapio ymchwil arloesol

BRAIN Involve

Ymunwch â ni

  • If you have a carer and/or family member or friend you wish to include their details please list them below:

  • So we can ensure we are providing you with relevant information, we would be grateful if you could let us know whether you would like to receive information concerning research opportunities in one or all of these diseases (please tick all that apply)
  • Please note. If you are not a member of the Public Involvement Community we will pass on your contact details to the Public Involvement Community administrator. We will not provide the network administrators with any other information you have provided us with.

  • (Please note: This information is considered sensitive personal data under the Data Protection Act. Prospective members will be consented prior to asking to provide this information, with the option to not disclose and still register their membership. This information will be used to enable coordinators to direct disease specific information/requests and will not be passed to any third party without referring back to the individual for their consent).